Saturday, June 15, 2013

Identity Crisis_ Taking the Lead (Attributes of Leadership)

Identity Crisis

Be yourself. Then you can say that you have given an opportunity to others about what you are, this is nothing but displaying your limits, to let others also to be in the same limits.
Remember that, Materialistic behaviour is a sign of positive personality.

Taking the Lead_ Attributes of Leadership

The more you can show and exercise the attributes of leadership, the more likely you are succeeding. Take the initiative and seek out every opportunity to develop your leadership skills. Your experience will stand you in good stead for the future.

Seeking opportunities _ you do not have to wait for an appointment to a leadership position to lead. The chances are that you will be involved in a task force or similar group or you may be singled out for a particular project. Either event provides an opportunity to push you forward by proposing a new idea or by taking up a strong position and becoming its powerful advocate.

Take the Initiative
Get into the habit of volunteering to lead or take on extra responsibility- you will gain invaluable experience. He or she who hesitates, or shows no interest will gain nothing

Tip _Avoid everything your opinions to match those of the majority.

Speaking Out
If you have a good idea, have the courage of your convictions and use your conviction to carry the plan through to acceptance, completion, and success. Reluctance to “stick my neck out” holds back careers- and organizations. The worst you can experience is a refusal. For the best chance of success, be prudent in choosing when to make proposals, and be careful to test them by analysis or by asking close and trusted colleagues.

Influencing others
Convincing others to accept your point of view, ideas and action plans is essential to success. In debates. Negotiations, confrontations you cannot expect your view to prevail every time. But you can usually work towards an acceptable compromise (in debate be prepared to concede some points where facts or diplomacy demand)

Planning Ahead
Plan to achieve more than you expect- you may well get there.
Working towards excellence presents a lifelong challenge and opportunity

You need to remember
1.         Always aim to achieve excellence, and work on areas where you fell short.
2.         Always recall everything I need to remember readily and without difficulty.
3.         Always enjoy giving tasks and welcome opportunities to appear before audience.
4.         Always systematically manage time and act to eliminate any waste.
5.         Always compile a list of priorities and organize the work accordingly.
6.         Always turn to value advisors to help you with personal and business issues.
7.         Always voluntarily take opportunities to act as the leader of any group.
8.         Always communicate with employees effectively, using all media available.

9.         Always write down your ambition and check your progress towards them.
