About Fonts
TrueType and Embedding Fonts
In regard to ensuring consistency without knowing what fonts other groups have available, you don't necessarily have to use PDF if you're willing to and can use TrueType fonts. They can be embedded in Word and PowerPoint so that te that Word and PowerPoint will only embed TrueType fonts, not PostScript or OpenType fonts with an OTF extension. Embedding OpenType fonts with a TTF extension seems to work, though. We don't use Macs, so I can't speak to Mac--Windows compatibility of embedded fontspeople without the fonts on their computer can at least open and view the files. Given the right font permission level, they could even edit the files. There's more information about embedding, and font embedding permission levels, at http://www.microsoft.com/typography/TrueTypeEmbedding.mspx, with a link to the Microsoft Font Properties Extension. The extension works with any version of Windows from 95 to XP and lets you see the font's embedding permission, which can be hard to discover otherwise.
In Word or PowerPoint, you set the embedding option by going to Tools > Options > Save > Embed TrueType fonts. In Word, this stays in effect until changed back; in PowerPoint, it only affects the current document. You can also change Word's normal.dot template this way.
Baskerville better to save pages than TnwRmn
Georgia for print.
Garamond to work
Book Antiqua with Palatino
CBts helpers, Proparing Vidoe Tutorials
TrueType and Embedding Fonts
In regard to ensuring consistency without knowing what fonts other groups have available, you don't necessarily have to use PDF if you're willing to and can use TrueType fonts. They can be embedded in Word and PowerPoint so that te that Word and PowerPoint will only embed TrueType fonts, not PostScript or OpenType fonts with an OTF extension. Embedding OpenType fonts with a TTF extension seems to work, though. We don't use Macs, so I can't speak to Mac--Windows compatibility of embedded fontspeople without the fonts on their computer can at least open and view the files. Given the right font permission level, they could even edit the files. There's more information about embedding, and font embedding permission levels, at http://www.microsoft.com/typography/TrueTypeEmbedding.mspx, with a link to the Microsoft Font Properties Extension. The extension works with any version of Windows from 95 to XP and lets you see the font's embedding permission, which can be hard to discover otherwise.
In Word or PowerPoint, you set the embedding option by going to Tools > Options > Save > Embed TrueType fonts. In Word, this stays in effect until changed back; in PowerPoint, it only affects the current document. You can also change Word's normal.dot template this way.
Baskerville better to save pages than TnwRmn
Georgia for print.
Garamond to work
Book Antiqua with Palatino
CBts helpers, Proparing Vidoe Tutorials