How To Become A Feature Film Compositor
by John Lafauce, Jr.
What skills are needed to become a compositor? >> Become a problem solver
Probably the most important skill you can possess, and I can't emphasize this enough, is the ability to problem solve and be resourceful. Often times on a project, image elements are assigned to you that don't fit together at all and it's the compositor's responsibility to make them seamless and believable when they are composited. Elements might come to you in a different color space, resolution, or format than what you are presently working in, and you have to make adjustments as needed. Objects may need to be rotoscoped or painted out of a shot, which in a smaller facility, where you are more of a generalist, you would be responsible for doing this. In a larger facility, the roles are more specialized and you would most likely be compositing only.
Well said soul but to be a good compositer its important that u work inextreme detail....and understand the overall process.that becomes allthe more important when u work on one small pixel will zoom upto 2000 % on film.and even smallest mistake is visible..and that nevercomes easy.color knowlage is essential though to seamlessely integratethe invisible effects.i personaly feel that if u have overall knowlageof 3d and digilat painting it always helps.....and for 100,000 Rs i would say woohh too...may be one fine day i too c that on my paycheck...aameen----------------
I agree with u guyz, Good amount of detail and an eye to judge thedifficulty in a shot. As being one of the last stage we often lend updoing some very difficult task. At times it becomes difficult ratherimpossible to go back to CG and change it so we compositors have totwist our brains and deliver a quality output. Software knowledge isimportant but aesthetic skills, tricks which comes with experience areessential too.
Even i feel a person with a 3d bg can understand and is able to do good compositing.
> Hard working, loyal, want to learn a lot of stuff, creative ideas, etc.
… the usual wire removal, clor correction
... b4 after clips... explosions...
… match moving capability (for certain studios) in fact most of theplaces nowdays...
Well it depends on how u present your self and your work...etc...
Warm Regards,
Lakshmi Raj
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