Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pursuing and Achieving excellence

Pursuing and Achieving excellence

There is no good idea of perfectionalism- seeking top performance in yourself and being constantly dissatisfied at less than perfect results. Be your own best critic, drawing attention to your faults, and going in search of excellence.

1, developing confidence
2, Winning co operation> cooperation between colleagues requires commitment from both sides
> If you expect it means you are prepared to give it
Two Questions to Ask
What do I do that stops you from doing a better job? And
What can I do to help you perform better?

Once you have assessed yourself and have a realistic understanding of your abilities you need to form a vision of significant but allowable aims.

Imp; _ Ask yourself where you want to be at the end of each decade that lies ahead.

A difference between Workaholic and Work Addict

Ex. Workholic “You “you work incessantly and after spending long hours, you feel company is not recognizing. They feel they are working for the company a lot, feeling hatred to people who don’t work at all. Life is a big bore with these people, because they feel working in office more hours, than home……..
Achieving Excellence

You must work to fulfill your potential
Identifying your weaknesses

Evaluating your Key attributes

Have you written down high and stretching targets and planned how you are going to achieve them.

Have formed a clear idea of what you want to be and what you want to be doing in 5 years time?

Do you feel able to do anything that is needed now .Do it well and master new abilities and tasks are required.

Ability to take Risks
Do you believe in your own ability to judge a risk as worth taking and to take your chances effectively?

Drive to Energy _ can you bring full mental powers to beat on an issue to decide on the right action and see it through.
Competitive spirit _ Are you never satisfied until you have clearly win all the prizes against the best competitive around?
Self criticism _ Are you a relentless perfectionist who constantly seeks to improve and to get others to do the same?
Leadership _ Can you mobilize others to achieve group ambition, as well as develop other leaders and bring them forward

Seek excellence and do not stop at good – it is not good enough.

Seeking perfection
If you achieve perfection in any activity, you must be the best, which is the proper objective in any context.In practice, aiming for excellance will mwnas performing significantly better than your present standards which are always imperfect.Remembet that refusal to tolerate imperfectin isa p[owerful force of success.

Assume that you can always find a better way to use your abilities.  Aim at perfection, even if that seems impossible.  Beware if you find nothing to criticize, however that is usually a sign of trouble ahead.

Important Point
Raising your standards > How high the standards you have set for yourself and others, they can always be raised higher Apply the total quantity principle of continuous improvement to every thing that you do.

Accepting challenges
Restlessness is a good sign and a valuable quality, once a task has been successfully completed, you look for new pastures and challenges. Be biased in favour of accepting these challenges when offered.
“Don’t become a hard task master, but do be a demanding one who helps others to work well.”

Welcoming competition
You should always welcome competition because it has a positive effect.  Chose the best enemy you can and make them the one to beat and their standards the ones to exceed, but keep the aggression under careful, directed control.

Very Important
What ever stage you have reached in your career, it is vital to keep learning, by widening and applying your knowledge, you can dramatically improve your performance.
Imp: -   Time for study may be hard but it always pays off
Logic -  logic means correct reasoning

Using Time Effectively
1. By delegating aspects of your work to others, you give yourself time to complete the most important elements of your job successfully.
2. Insist on people making quality a prime target.

Principles of Prioritizing
1. Puts opportunities ahead of problems
2. Takes hard and rewarding jobs
3. Aims at high objectives
4. Takes considered risks

Finding Mentors
Choosing a mentor you need to work closely with someone whom knows you and your weaknesses well and on whom you can rely for dispassionate advice.

Using the Boss            a good boss is an excellent mentor, whose example and teaching can guide you for a whole career.  Even an able leader who spares no time for deliberate coaching can provide information and inspiration.

Make an effort to meet friends working in other companies.  Staying in touch_ Be frank with criticism, but generous with praise and keep in touch with the colleagues you value.

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